
How the COVID-19 Pandemic will Impact the Fraud Examination Industry
July 7, 2023
COVID-19 has led to an unprecedented situation and the “new normal” has changed numerous industries. At the same time, certain things have remained constant. One

The COVID-19 Pandemic and its Impact on Divorce
February 27, 2021
It goes without saying that the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted many people’s everyday lives. People can no longer meet up with members outside their household,

Clients with Personal Injuries Later in Life: Helping them Get what they Deserve
January 29, 2021
In August 2022, an Ontario labour arbitrator decided that an employer’s age cut-off of 65 for Long Term Disability, did violate section 15 of the

COVID-19 and Its Impact on the Legal Industry
January 29, 2021
COVID-19 has impacted and changed various industries and fields. The legal industry is no exception. Forbes noted that COVID-19 is changing the legal field and